Add Liquidity at PancakeSwap

Staking AFIC without acquiring LP, acquiring AFIC can be staked. Staking AFIC-USDT need to add liquidity to get LP, stake LP to earn AFIC income.

Step 1: If you want to take AFIC-USDT LP, Click the "Get AFIC-USDT LP",jump the PancakeSwap.

Step 2: Go to (, click on "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner, and select "Metamask".

Step 3: You will now see your wallet address in the top right corner.

Step 4: Confirm the number of AFIC and USDT that need to be added for liquidity. Authorize AFIC and USDT. Of course, the prerequisite is to ensure that you have enough tokens in Metamask.

Step 5: Liquidity added successfully.

Last updated